Vesak is a Sri Lankan religious and cultural event. It is observed on the full moon day in the month of May.
Vesak Day is one of the most important Buddhist holidays, and it is observed by Buddhists all around the world. On this day, Buddhists commemorate significant events in Lord Buddha's life. The birth of Siddhartha Gautama took place in Lumbini, Nepal, under the canopy of Sat trees, where queen Mahamaya gave birth to him. Siddharta Gautam's supreme attainment as the Buddha, the Enlightened One, was the second event. The third occurrence occurred approximately 2500 years ago at Kusinagar, when Lord Buddha attained Parinibbana.
Vesak is observed in many Asian countries, including India, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan. During this time, several religious activities are held in Sri Lanka, including Sil campaigns, Bodhi Poojas, Dansalas (people freely offering food, coffee, and tea), Vesak devotional songs (Bakthi Gee), pandols (thoran), and lanterns.
Many temples around the country are packed with followers and pilgrims to commemorate this historic occasion. Buddhists pray, offer flowers, light candles, and burn incense in temples. In essence, these ancient observances serve to meet the religious and emotional requirements of the people.
Buddhists typically dress in white and attend temple functions. Many of them stay in the temple all day to reaffirm their commitment to Buddha's teachings.
The 'Dana' (offering alms) plays a significant significance on this holy day. This is a symbol of people sharing happiness and harmony. The sale of alcohol and flesh is traditionally restricted during the Vesak Festival week, and abattoirs are closed as well.
Aside from the festival's solely religious aspects, Sri Lankan Buddhists decorate their homes and public spaces, as well as host a variety of cultural events.
Birth of Siddharta Gautam
Before dying for the final birth, the heavenly creation Siddharth, or Lord Buddha, enquired about five matters. Right time, right place, right continent, right caste, and right mother are the questions.
The completely attentive divine creature then entered the womb of Queen Mahamaya, as any Buddhist knows. On a Vesak Poya day, the Queen and King Suddhodana had a prince named Siddhartha, who had discovered the meaning of life. Seven days after the prince's birth, the Queen died.
Attainment as Lord Buddha
Gautama Buddha received training in a variety of mental skills from a number of gurus, only to become disillusioned when he realized they did not possess the truth he sought. One day, he realized the best way to get to the truth. He guided his thoughts down the road of meditation. On Vesak Poya day, he attained enlightenment and overcame the realm of sufferings.
Lord Buddha’s Parinibbana
The 80-year-old Gotama Buddha then stated that His death, Parinibbana, will occur on the third watch of the night at the Malla royal family's Sal grove on Vesak Poya day.
Vesak Pandols (Thorana)
During the Vesak season, electrically illuminated Vesak pandols called thoranas are erected in public places throughout the island, with the majority of the funds coming from philanthropists, religious organisations, and charity organizations. Each pandol depicts a story from the Buddha's 550 'Jathaka Kathas,' or Past Life Stories.
Vesak Lanterns
On Vesak poya day, Vesak koodu, or Vesak lanterns, are lit in most Sri Lankan houses. The illumination is a memorial to the Buddha, who brought the Dhamma word to the world. People utilized clay oil lamps for illumination in ancient times. When candles were popular, colorful lanterns of all shapes and colors became popular. Many organizations hold Vesak lantern competitions, with cash awards granted to the builders of the most beautiful lanterns.